Sunday, February 8, 2015

Random Updates in 2015 + AIESEC MyLDS 2015

Times flies so fast. With a blink of eye it's already the second month of the year. I have been attending class for about a week now and it's already pack with lab reports, events, upcoming test right after Chinese New Year break, and club activities. I always wish I have more time hahahahahahaha.... 
I did not go out and purchase any new year clothes this year. Am just going to wear back some of the clothing that I bought few years back. I still have some new clothes that had not been wore even once. 
I am planning my upcoming summer break now. I want to have a meaningful summer this year. And of course, I want to join AIESEC Global Citizen Program to complete part of my AIESEC journey. I must join this program in order to understand what does AIESEC hope to deliver to the youth out there. This is part of my wish to understand the world more too. 
I will not be able to spend new year holiday with my brother this year since he's still in UK right now. 
Besides AIESEC Global Citizen Program, I also want to plan the rest of my summer break. I want to go for a month placement to increase my experience in Pharmacy field. I will try my best to secure at least one month summer placement. I also plan to go to the States for about 2-3 weeks to explore the other side of the world. Let's see how is everything goes on for now. 
I also wish to purchase a new laptop. My old PC spoiled :( It's been 5 years old. I still find it usable but the motherboard spoiled and it simply require at least RM 600 to repair it. I will try to send it to other shop to replace the motherboard or wait for a more suitable time to purchase a new laptop. 
Everything is about MONEY. I need MORE MONEY. If I have more time, I do really want to get a part time job :( 
Please do help me hahahahaha... 

Just to update here, I had completed my first facilitating experience in AIESEC MYLDS 2015 as Facilitator for EP Track. It is indeed challenging at the same time rewarding since I gained so much experience and knowledge from the delegates, chair and the rest of the facilitators. It is really nice to share knowledge and opinions with other people. I am glad to be part of the team. It's really nice to be able to my weakness and leverage on my strength more now. Thank you my team for everything (you know who you are). I will remember everything that we had shared during the conference! :) 

I also get to learned a lot of new people. It is really nice to see how people changed to continue developing themselves. It's just simply amazing. 

The 2 picture above is the official photo that we took from the conference. Thank you for this great and amazing experience :) 

(My F1 Team members - Kristy, Elwin, Rami, Anngie, Szyuin and Alaa (the chair), unfortunately he is not in this picture hahahaha :D *** I shall crop his picture inside someday***

I think's for now. I am going to sleep soon! 

Good Night. Lots of love XOXO. 
World Peace. 
~Peggy Chai~