Friday, September 7, 2012

September 2012

Dear all, sorry for not posting for such a long time. 
I totally forget everything about my beloved blog. 
Recently I finished my fish breeding test 1, Navy and Seamanship test 1, Food processing test 1, submit my field trip report, submit the hatchery project report, done all the lab report for food processing. Currently I am busy with Lab 4 Aquatic Ecology, Diversity of Plankton. It is actually easy but there's so much to understand and do. And of course, I am the one who is taking the hardest part of the lab report. 

By the end of October, I will be going to my hometown and be prepared for my internship. My internship is still in progress. So I can't say much about that. I just pray that everything goes smoothly. 

Right now, I have 4 lab to be submit, 1 assignment for marketing , 3 test going on which is 
1) Fish Breeding Test 2 = 12.9.2012
2) Marketing Test 2 = 17.9.2012
3) Ecology Aquatic Test 2 = 20.9.2012

I am going to study for my test and finish my assignment according to the dateline. 
Currently I am doing my Ecology Aquatic test. 

I received my BB concert shirt and of course the Wonder Girls Lightstick soon too. I want to prepare my dinner dress as well.
What am I going to wear soon? Well its a secret. I hope to keep it secret till the end of the day. Hahahaha...

Right now, I have so much to do and so little time. 
Hwaiting Peggy!