In my very final semester before leaving for internship next year, I am having one aquaculture project this semester. Its all about udang galah or also known Giant River Prawn.
My group name is : Prawn Enterprise SDN.BHD which consist of 5 members.
This company was established on 10th June 1012. The location of our aquaculture project is at Kompleks Hatcheri, FPAI (Fakulti Perikanan dan Akua-Industri), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.
They are:
CHAI PEG KEE (Me, Myself)
For the previous semester, we had an aquaculture project about CATFISH which is known as IKAN KELI in Malay. This course which is known as PRAKTIKAL AKUAKULTUR II. We hope to learn more about the aquaculture on how to produce more giant river prawn. We are distributed in 10 groups and my group is the fifth group out of the 10 groups. We have to prepare a PROPOSAL and a PRESENTATION. The proposal was the first thing that we had done before proceeding with the other task. We had presentation too. In this presentation we have to state out all the related information about our aquaculture project. Various of comments was made and this are all helpful for my group. As a conclusion, we hope that the aquaculture project is going to bring us a lot of fortune this time.
We did our presentation on the 9th July 2012. On the 20th June 2012, we cleaned all the fiber tank that are needed in this aquaculture project. A black color tank was provided to all the groups. The tank can store about 1000 liter of water. Before storing in the giant river prawn, we need to disinfect the fiber tank with the anti chlorine powder to kill all the bacteria. After that, we placed the tank in upright position :)
At the moment my group has 2 induk betina udang galah. The eggs of the giant river prawn is orange.
The female parent of the giant river prawn that has the brown-orange eggs is the best stage to reproduce. After the female parents release the eggs, it will be placed into another holding tank which is also known as Tangki Induk.
After 3 days, the giant river prawn hatchlings will be feed by using Artemia nauplii. Total Artemia given is based on estimation. Artemia will be given in the morning and evening. At this stage, the salinity of water maintained at 17 ppt. Artemia given must be enough. If the provided Artemia is sufficient, the head of the hatchlings will be red color. On the other hand, if the amount of Artemia is not enough, the head of the hatchlings will be transparent color. This is when you have to add in the amount of artemia to prevent starvation.
After two weeks, we will be feeding the prawns with egg custard. At this moment, Artemia still can be given in the morning and the egg custard will be given in the evening. After 3 days, we can feed the prawns completely with egg custard in the morning and evening.
After 30 days, the hatchlings will then grow into the post larvae stage (PL). This can be identified with the shrimps swim to front and stick to the wall of the fiber tank. When the shrimps reaches this level. the water salinity will be changed to 0 ppt gradually to avoid shock.
We have to make it and score well!