Friday, February 17, 2012


Dear Bloggie~ How are you recently ?
I am going to update my blog once again. Writing blog require some time but its okay. I am going to do it ~ No problem no problem. :D
February is quite a hectic and busy month for me. I am busying for exam almost the whole month. I feel very stress ~ And of course the exam still have to go on no matter what.
I am sad and angry for the exam. What is the reason that I am being angry ?
For all the time I know you are getting dean list because of this ? Why don't you just admit that you use that way ? Why must you use stupid way to achieve what you want ?
I know its hard to pass with flying colours~ I am facing hardness too but why I can do it but not you ? Must you cheat yourself like that ?
For those that are doing it too, don't think that I don't know. YES. I am talking to you~ BITCH AND FUCK UP MAN~ U know who you are ~ I am not pointing it at anyone but if you actually feel something then I am so sorry about that~

I know I don't deserve to say any bad points of anyone but I can't stand it anymore . I know that life is full of unfairness but I believe there's justice in this world. Even it does not exist also, I always believe in myself. LOL

I hope that I am going to be more relax right now.
Peace world. CHILL~
Good luck for upcoming exam! :)